Does your family suffer from allergies caused by dust and particles in the air? Want to know about air filters and what they can do to help you? First, it is advised that you replace indoor air with outdoor air. But how? You can open windows and doors, but still the risk is the air-borne problems. One of the best solutions is to keep a healthy and clean house to minimize and control unwanted substances. Usually, common airborne particles can range from .001 to 100 microns in size. Very small air-borne particles are so small that you may have a hard time removing them.
Cigarette smoke and household dust can eventually enter the lungs and may create complications. Air filters and cleaners are devices which help remove particles from the air, but not all. There are two groups of air cleaners. The first group is the portable air cleaners. They are also known as table-top models, and they are created to clean air in small places and locations but not the entire house. These air cleaners have filters and use electrical attraction or ozone to get rid of the minute particles from the air. The finer the particles, the better it is in removing these unwanted substances. HEPA or high efficiency particulate arresting filters is the best kind.
Almost 99 percent of the particles which are as small as 0.3 microns in size are captured. However, gas molecules like those from cigarette smoke and radon can still pass through the filter. Some companies have decided to use an activated charcoal or carbon filter to take care of the job. Pleated filters are also called “mean” filters and they are composed of materials, which are similar to that of the HEPA. However, particles and dust may still get in. Remember, that the pleated filters capture smaller particles.
It is said that it removes 40 to 96 percent of household dust. Electrical attraction is utilized in electronic cleaners. Here, electrostatic precipitation, static charge, or particle ionization is used to capture particles through a foam pre-filter. With this, the larger particles are removed. Then the particles are charged by a high-voltage wire and are then attracted to the precipitating cell.
After this, a carbon filter gets rid of the odors and other particles. An electric cleaner utilizes cellulose fibers and polyester having a static charge to capture particles aside from the carbon and the pre-foam filter. Ozone generation is another type of air cleaner that also uses a high-voltage electrical charge to convert oxygen to ozone. With this, gas molecules and some substances or microorganisms like mold can be demolished by the high concentrations of ozone present. However, a negative ionizer also uses a foam pre-filter as well as a carbon filter. But, the difference lies in the wires. It has charged wires which, in turn, create ions.
Consequently, the fan blows these charged particles into the room and they are sucked in again. These different kinds of air filters and cleaners may give you a background on their features and which will best suit your needs.
Article Source: - By: Kathryn Whittaker
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Air Filters - Everything You Need To Know About Air Filters
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Whole House Well Water Filter System - Healthy Living At It's best
Think of the benefits of installing a whole house well water filter system to your home or holiday house. Having fresh clean water to drink is one thing but it is also very important to have clean fresh water to shower in. Your skin is waterproof but it can still absorb impurities from water that is not perfect.
Nobody really knows what may be in well water all the time so to help reduce the risk factors a whole house well water filter system is a real bonus. Many people today buy bottled water whether they have town, tank or well water connected to their home. This is a way to be assured they are drinking safe water. This is very important, as human beings must have water to keep hydrated as without it we will die.
Because we have to drink so much water and most of us do not drink enough we want it to at least taste nice as well as be healthy. If you have systems such as this put into your home you will always be assured of nice tasting water. In the end it will also be cheaper than buying bottled water all the time. Think of the convenience of just going to your tap and having fresh clean lovely tasting water when ever you wish.
Another thing to think about is how often do you get out of the shower feeling itchy and blotchy from the hardness of the water that you are getting from town, well or tank. This is caused by all sorts of impurities. If you are feeling this on the outside what is it doing to your insides?
This is so easy to prevent. All you need to do is install a whole house well water filter system and change the filters every 6 months to be assured your system is doing its job efficiently. How simple is that? Once you have decided that this is the best course of action for you to take to keep yourself and your family healthy all you have to do is take a look around online and find the best type of system to suit your needs.
We have researched many different companies and found the best of the best for you to look at. Why not take that time right now and see what you find.
Article Source: - By: Susan Dean
Monday, 24 March 2008
Childrens Swing Sets For Home - A Safer Alternative To The Park
Childrens swing sets also help to keep your childs mind active because they are using their imaginations while playing outside. This is an important factor in your childs growth. Because of the additions that you can add to your swing set your child can develop his or her motor skills and imagination skills easily. These additions come in the form of sand boxes, slides, cubby houses, rope climbing, naughts and crosses games and much more.
You can buy a set that is just swings or you can have one that has one or more additions with it. The good thing about childrens swing sets is that you can always add to it as you go along. This is especially good as your children grow older and need different activities do.
You have many options in regard to swings such as the style, size, materials, if you want to build it yourself or have it installed. Many handy men like to buy plans and materials and build it themselves whilst others like to buy one that is installed or are able to erect it themselves. This is up to you.
Swingsets come in different types of wood, metal or hard plastic. The most popular being wood. If you choose wood it is recommended not to use treated pine as the wood is treated with chemicals and could harm your child. Remember, the safety of your kids is paramount.
You can find complete swingsets in many large department or hardware stores that are ready for you to erect but you will get much more choice and variety when checking out recommended companies on the net. You will also be able to find plans and designs that will help you if you want to do it yourself. We have done some research and found reputable companies that can help you. Take the time to look around and see for yourself.
Article Source: - By: Susan Dean
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Do You Need an Air-Purifier in Your Home?
You’ll be surprised to know that the answer to that is no. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, levels of indoor air pollution can be two to five times higher than those found in the urban outdoor air! Did you know that indoor air pollution is rated amongst the top five environmental risks to public health? We spend more than 90% of our time indoors – in our homes, offices and schools. It logically follows that our indoor spaces can be a hotbed for viral infections, allergies and respiratory disorders arising due to indoor air contamination.
So, what kind of indoor air pollutants are we talking about? The contaminants in our homes are of many types. They range from dust, mold, bacteria, pet dander, fumes and carbon deposits from fireplaces and candles, toxic odors from tobacco smoke, dust, mites, deleterious vapors from furniture and flooring, and household chemicals. And inhaling these can give rise to allergies, asthma and other respiratory ailments.
How will YOU know if you need an air purifier?
You can benefit from having an air-purifier in your home if you observe allergic symptoms like itchy, watery eyes or a runny nose, frequent skin rashes. If you suffer from asthma or any other respiratory disorder you would gain from having an air-purifier. If you live with a smoker, an air-purifier will help to eliminate suspended tobacco smoke and odor from the air. Pet owners will stand to benefit as air-purifiers are able to effectively deal with pet dander and smells. If you detect mold or mildew in your home you should consider investing in an air-purifier system.
However, not all air-purifiers will be able to clear all the contaminants. While all will clean certain elements there are differences in the abilities of each air-purifier. Some are able to remove dust mites and pet hair and smoke effectively, while other attack types of bacteria, viruses, mold and mildew. Few will be able to tackle all of these things.
Article Source: - By: Jack Smith
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Air Purifier And Cleaners: What?€?s In It For You?
Think again!
For air purifiers and cleaners hold the key to completely change the way you have viewed and lived your life and the life around you. Imagine a life of breathing air as pure as possible, giving your body the best intake it can ever have and leading a superior lifestyle of health-consciousness? Air purifiers and cleaners make all this possible for you and more. Enough said about how these technological marvels can be good, let’s get down to why you need any of these and what they can do for you.
In a documented study by a government body in the US, it was found that indoor levels of pollution are typically 2-5 times more than the outdoors (because of spatial density) which is a source of concern as most people spend a significant part of the life indoors than in the outdoors. Pollutants or the “bad-particles” at your home could be 8-10 times higher in concentration than it is outside your front door. And that fact doesn’t go down too well with our friendly neighborhood air purifier and cleaners. Especially so for without the air purifier and cleaners, the pollution in the air manifests itself in our bodies as allergies to smoke, dust, fumes, pollen, dander, mites and host of other such particulate matter. Does indoor fatigue, sinus irritations, sneezing bouts, sleep disorders all sound too familiar to you? That’s what can happen and a lot more in the absence of air purifier and cleaners.
Essentially, the core of this article is to convey just one piece of information to you – that the use of air purifier and cleaners is a win-win situation for the user, simply because you can’t put a price tag to the value of a healthy life or living conditions. If for the cost of a few dollars, air purifiers and cleaners can make you enjoy every living moment you spend under its observant clean influence, then it’s almost a no-brainer in making a decision of choosing to use one. And after that what remains is only a choice of the type of air purifier and cleaners that you had like to use.
Remember one thing; nothing can ever be too expensive for granting yourself a cleaner healthier life. For yourself and for your family! Wish you all the best!
Article Source: -- By: Max Patel
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Home Air Purifier: What You Need The Most
The home air purifier is a trend setter in it own way primarily because of this: Several people suffer from a variety of allergic reactions to particulate matter in the air that they breathe. Be it pollen dust, air dust, mites, spores, the repercussions are typically unfavorable and can even get serious in the case of asthma patients or people who have a high degree of chemical sensitivity to particles in the air. Therefore, it makes a lot more sense to spend money on a home air purifier and get clean fresh air to breathe than not have it, suffer from a medical inconvenience and then pay by the bushels to your doctor and your local pharmacy. A simple cost-benefit analysis will show you that the home air purifier is worth its weight in gold if not more.
The most preferred home air purifiers are the filterless ionic air purifiers and the multi-functional ionic room air filter. The advantage of using a filterless ionic air purifier is that they are very energy efficient; they clean air faster and reduce pollutant presence by up to 90% and are of course easy to maintain. Obviously, the fact that it does not have a filter makes it cheaper in the total cost of ownership of the filterless ionic air purifier because you don’t have any filters to replace time and again. Available in a variety of sizes, shapes and functionality, the choice of your home air purifier is based on the surrounding environment, the nature of the air at your home and the size of the rooms or house as that will dictate the capacity of the home air purifier you should go in for.
The home air purifier will typically cost anywhere between 300$ to a 1000$ depending on the make and features of the equipment. We can confidently say one thing: That you should not worry about whether or not to get a home air purifier but worry about which one to buy. And this is not a forced sales pitch, its just that we believe that a few hundred dollars spent upfront to ensure a healthy ailment-free life is money truly well-spent. Breathe fresh clean air everyday. Because you are worth it!
Article Source: -By: Max Patel
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Air Purifiers: Putting A Stop To Airborne Allergies
Airborne allergies are easily one of the most common types of allergies afflicting a wide spread of the population. This rise in allergies necessitated a lot of research from several companies on making a device that would clean the air. Thus, Air purifiers and air cleaners today have become one of the biggest answers to the various airborne allergies. The air you breathe is rife with so many pollutants that there is almost no single system that can make the air 100% pure but you can get pretty close.
Air purifiers get rid of particulate matters in the air silently and effectively. This particulate matter frequent have pollutants which cause common airborne allergies such as pollen allergies, tree and plant allergies, weed allergies, hay fever allergies and mold allergies. How do you know if you have caught on to these allergies? If you have been sneezing often, having breathing problems, a nose that’s running, skin rashes or watery eyes, it’s possible that you are suffering from some airborne allergy. But how do you fight an enemy you can’t see? That’s where the air purifier steps up to the challenge, getting rid of these pollutants so that the air that you breathe is safe for you and healthy as well.
Like any other product, air purifiers are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, prices and features. Depending on where you live, quality of ambient air, size of the room or apartment and specific allergies you suffer from, you will be able to find the best air purifier that will satisfy most of your requirements if not all. Remember, when it comes to your health, spare no efforts in ensuring that you can secure it to your best possible extent.
Breathe clean healthy air and enjoy a long life! All the best!
Article Source: - By: Max Patel
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Filterless Air Purifiers: What You Need To Know
Filterless air purifiers are functionally strong in terms of removing particulate matter such as dust, mold spores, pollen or pollen-like grains and other similar-sized particles from the ambient air. A point to note here is that while popular types of filterless air purifiers carry a carbon sheet to absorb unfriendly odors, its not a recommended option for people who are hypersensitive to chemical particles (MCS – Multiple chemical sensitivity sufferers) or people who suffer from asthma. That is to mean that physical absorption is a sure strength of these filterless air purifiers but the same cant be said about chemical absorption.
So what makes the filterless air purifier different from your regular air purifier? Fundamentally, it’s the way the unit works: Inside the filterless unit are a set of two plates that are electrically active much like the plates of a capacitor. The function of the first plate of the filterless air purifier is to charge the particles in the airflow and that of the second plate is to absorb the particles that have been charged by the first place through electrostatic attraction. As you might have guessed, the actual number of moving parts in this kind of an operating unit is low and hence there is lesser wear and tear of the filterless air purifier and also a lesser operating noise. The only pain point if any at all of this marvelous system is that the plates need to be washed regularly to achieve maximum efficiency.
As you can see filterless air purifiers make an obvious choice for the function-conscious user desirous of procuring a value-for-money product. Experience the effect of this air purifier and open the doors to a future that’s a whole lot healthier than ever in your past. Here is to a happy healthy life!!
Article Source: -- By: Max Patel
Monday, 17 March 2008
Whole House Air Purifiers: What You Should Be Looking For
A significant percentage of our population suffers from breathing disorders, asthma and other allergic reactions to particulate matter in the air they breathe. If you or any other member in your household has been the victim of such trying circumstances, then the whole house air purifier could possibly be the panacea you have been looking for, the one thing that could change your dull day to your brightest day! When it comes to getting rid of undesirable particles in the ambient air, getting rid of the stuff that causes adverse reactions in people with high chemical sensitivity, the whole house air purifier is second to none. Be it the electronic air purifier with activated carbon or be it a specific HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) air purifier, using it just extended the healthy period of your lifetime!
Understand that a single air purifier will not offer you all the best-of-best air purification features. Some will specifically rid the air of particulate matter like pollen and dust upto 99.5% purity and some will specifically get rid of chemical irritants in the air and odors. Over and above this you have whole house air purifiers that use UV rays to kill microorganisms in the air and make it safer for you to breathe. Therefore the choice of the whole house air purifier is a function of the size of your house (capacity determinant of the air purifier), specific health issues you want to address (allergies to particulate matter vs. chemical sensitivity), the price of the unit and above all the environment of the house itself.
This article was aimed at giving you a brief insight into the wonderful world of whole house air purifiers. We encourage you to specifically learn more about the main types of whole house air purifiers like HEPA filters, Electronic air purifiers, filterless ionic air purifiers, UV air purifiers among the rest. That alone will put you in the best place to make an informed decision on what solution to opt for that best satisfies your needs.
Here is wishing you to breathe clean air and live a longer happier life! Three cheers to whole house air purifiers!
Article Source: - By: Max Patel
Sunday, 16 March 2008
How to Find the Best Water Purifier for Your Home
Low maintenance water purifiers
Water purifiers are low maintenance systems, Once installed you basically forget about them. All you need to do is change the filter cartridge every six or so months for unlimited clean and healthy water supply.
Water purifiers on the market
There are many types of water purifiers available on the market. In short: the better the water purifier, the better tasting water you'll have. Water purifiers come in many varieties. They can be portable or whole house or filters installed under your kitchen sink. You can even purchase a filter for your shower.
How to choose the best water purifier
A better quality water purifier is based on the absolute latest developments in purification technologies. Before you purchase your system, talk to friends, family and colleagues who've already installed a water purifier. The best information is gleaned from those who have already used a purification system themselves. You should also speak to in-store sales people. They can answer all your technical questions. Ask about the filtration and purification technologies used on the air purifiers on sale. Visit manufacturer's websites and study product features and specifications. There is a lot of choice out there and choosing the best purifier depends on how much you know.
Article Source: - By: Dylan Miles
Friday, 14 March 2008
The History of Pressure Washer
Over the years more and more people were using pressure washers. After several change we have the pressure washer that you see today. The pressure washers that are being sold today can be found in hardware stores. There are certain hardware stores however that sell only a certain brand name of washer. Certain brand names of pressure washers are better than others and this is something you should keep in mind when buying a pressure washer. If you are not sure of what type of washer you need then it is always a good idea to ask a customer service representative before you make your purchase. By telling this person what you need the washer for they will be able to find the one that is right for you.
Pressure washers are used for a variety of things. The most common use of a pressure washer is to clean the leaves out of the gutter of your house. Due to the intense pressure behind the water, the leaves can be easily removed by the water. Most pressure washers have extensions and you can easily reach the gutters. Another thing that they are used for is washing windows. Some pressure washers have compartments where you can fill them with detergent. When you turn on the pressure washer and spray the windows you are also spraying some form of cleaning agent onto the window. With the pressure behind your water you can clean you windows quickly and easily.
Article Source: - By: James Hunt
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Home Heating Choosing a New Furnace
The most important step to take before starting the furnace for the season is to have it inspected by a licensed professional. They will clean the furnace, make sure it is in good working order, they will also recommend any parts that will need to be serviced or replaced in the near future.
If the furnace inspector tells you that it is time to replace the furnace, you may be overwhelmed by the choices in today’s’ furnace market. There are the standard gas, oil and electric furnaces as well as the newer outdoor wood furnaces and corn-fueled furnaces to name a few. There is lots of information available on these newer furnaces on the internet, however, a quick overview will be provided here.
One of the most popular options today is an outdoor heating source. It uses the old standby of wood, but eliminates the mess and smell associated with burning wood. An outdoor wood heating unit is placed approximately 500ft from the house. The wood burner itself is built inside of a small building, this often is made to look like a smaller house or shed. The heat is carried from the burner via heated water, which runs through underground, insulated pipes. This is the most effective and efficient method for moving heat over distances. Once the heated water reaches its destination, there are a couple of options for actually heating the home. Using a boiler, radiant floor heating system, a heat exchanger or a forced air furnace that is powered by a direct circulation system. The wood burning system can also do double duty to heat household water if a water-to-water heat exchanger is installed.
Although there are many advantages to using an outside wood burning furnace, it has a down side to its use as well. The cost can be quite high for most people, running approximately $5,000 installed. This of course, depends upon what part of the country you live in.
Another alternative to the traditional furnace that is gaining in popularity is the corn burning furnace. This type of furnace uses shelled corn (the same kind fed to livestock) to heat a home. While this is a viable source of heat it is not fool proof, it does have drawbacks that need to be considered before making a final decision.
Corn fuel furnaces are comparable to a convention furnace as far as price is concerned, costing roughly $2,000. It uses corn that has no more than 15% moisture content; fortunately, this is the same percentage of moisture as feed corn, making it very easy to obtain from a local elevator. The cost of burning corn as compared to propane is approximately one bushel of corn is to 5.5 gallons of propane fuel. Corn is also a natural and renewable resource, and keeps farmers in business while keeping your heating costs down.
On the other side, corn fed furnaces need daily cleaning to be efficient. They also run on an electric fan system, if you lose electricity, you lose heat also. For this reason, its best to either have a generator or a back up furnace for emergencies.
Being armed with the knowledge of these types of heating sources will make you a more educated consumer when it is time to replace an old, worn out furnace.
Article Source: - By: Linda Moore
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Furnace Buying Tips
1. What type of furnace do you want? Will it be Gas or Electric?
The Gas Furnace
The gas furnace is always more affordable to use than the electric furnace where gas is readily available. On the downside, burning fuel generates fumes. In well-maintained gas furnaces, the fumes generated are enclosed in the exchanger and then exit the house through an exhaust vent.
Remember, a gas furnace must be checked by a qualified professional at least once a year. The professional would check the furnace for holes, leaks or cracks. A break or crack in the furnace lets carbon monoxide seep into your house or place of business.
The Electric Furnace
The electric furnace has a higher cost than a gas furnace. On the upside, since electric furnaces do not use flames, it does not generate any carbon monoxide. The electric furnace is cleaner and safer than a gas furnace.
2. The Quality of the Furnace
The quality of the furnace determines how long and how well it will perform. Choosing a brand of furnace that has a history of quality and reliability can be less costly in the long run. Ask your contractor about which brand will be optimal for your needs. A free estimate for the purchase and installation are available in some companies.
3. The Efficiency of the Furnace
The efficiency of gas furnaces are determined by the AFUE or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency ratings. The AFUE ratings identifies how efficiently is the fuel being consumed. In most cases, a higher AFUE rating means it takes less fuel to heat your home.
Gas furnaces with higher ratings cost more than those with lower ratings but may save you more money down the road. A minimum rating of 78% is established by the government in 1992. Many furnaces have an efficiency rating of about 60% prior to 1992.
a. The Mid-Efficiency Furnaces
The mid-efficiency furnaces are also called ‘induces draft furnaces’ or ‘non-condensing furnaces’. The mid-efficiency furnace offers the bare minimum of 78% efficiency up to about 80%.
b. The High-Efficiency Furnaces
The high-efficiency furnaces are also known as ‘condensing furnaces’ or ‘sealed combustion furnaces’. The high-efficiency furnaces has an AFUE rating as high as 96%. Some furnaces use a two-stage valve and an efficient variable-speed motor to raise comfort and effectiveness.
4. The Comfort features of furnaces
Several furnaces provide features that increases comfort and efficiency.
a. The features of the two-speed furnace
The furnace can function at low speed for most of the time. It allows for a more quieter operation for a longer amount of time compared to a ‘single-speed furnace’. The longer run periods allow for fewer start/stop cycles, less drafts, and very little temperature variance.
The temperature swing is limited to about two degrees compared to the four degree variance of the single-speed units. The two-speed unit gives better circulation which prevents warmer air from rising and the cooler air from settling down. The two-speed unit gives a more consistent temperature in the house.
b. The features of variable-capacity furnaces
Furnaces with variable capacity provide a combination of efficiency and comfort. The variable-capacity has a motor that regulates your needs by automatically adjusting air volume and speed. The var-cap furnace provides the most efficient heating and cooling.
A fan comes with the var-cap furnace. The fan will reduce your cost during summer. If the fan is used throughout summer, the central air conditioning unit increases in efficiency.
5. The furnace noise level
Unfortunately, all furnaces do not come with a standard rating system for sound unlike heat pumps and air conditioners. Although, two-speed units and var-cap units generally operate at a low noise levels.
The two-speed and var-cap furnaces run for longer periods and lower sounds than the standard unit. Certain var-cap units has features that prevent ‘creaking’ of the ducts due to expansion and contraction caused by changing temperature. The temperature differential is reduced so that the creaking noise is also almost eliminated.
Article Source: - By: John Morris
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