Polder Jumbo Paper Towel Holder, Stainless Steel Buy new: $14.95 / Used from: $13.99
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For the most part I really like this paper towel holder. It's sturdy enough for me, but I must not be yanking off the towels as hard as everybody else apparently is. I would suggest not unscrewing the top to change the roll, as it is not a simple task to put it back together. The knob and rod are actually two or three pieces, not one as you would think. Anyway, I've found that you can just pull the empty roll up over the knob and replace it the same way, without unscrewing the top. It's actually easier than screwing around (hah!) with the knob.
Buy new: $14.95 Polder Jumbo Paper Towel Holder, Stainless Steelbfd53 | shopping booksmark | welcome robot | music online | bioly1